
                    GINNY KUHEL



With over 25+ years of experience in human resources, most of which was in corporations as a Human Resources Director, my private practice is dedicated to assisting small business companies. I enjoy handling, all those HR needs and concerns that most business owners get frustrated with, or do not have ample time in their busy days to handle. Maneuvering through the California landmine of labor laws can be daunting. My expertise in this area supports owners in staying compliance and avoiding costly labor lawsuits. 

  • My specialty is working with the trade businesses and service industries such as construction, landscape, restaurants, painters, roofers, and retail. With previous experience in this background, I am adept at listening to the laborers’ concerns, needs, and problems, and provide the right solutions for the organization and the employees.

  • One of my passions is teaching. I provide executives and employees interactive, fun and educative training in Sexual Harassment/Hostile Work Environment (required training in CA). One client stated “I thought I would be bored, this was very excellent information and quite theatrical.”

  • Other seminars I provide include Small Business Labor Law Requirements, Bridging the Communications Gap, Leaders vs Managers, Engagement of Employees, Motivational Techniques, and Career Development. 

The value I bring to the small business owners, who do not have a designated on site HR professional, is that they can reach out to me and we will work together to keep the business safe and in compliance with labor laws.

Let me handle your HR needs, so you can concentrate on building your business.